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Excel-like Bulk Issue Editor for Jira Data Center

Excel-like Bulk Issue Editor for Jira is an Atlassian Jira add-on that allows you to edit issues in an Excel-like format. Now it is quick and easy to edit mu...


Why there are some particular fields not editable?

Summary Some fields are grayed out, and cannot edit. Answer It could be due to the following reasons: Those custom field types may not be supported in this a...

How can I add and rearrange the order of fields?

Answer To add or select what columns you would like to display, please follow the steps below: From Jira Issue Navigator, on the right side of the screen, pl...

How to migrate Excel-like Bulk Issue Editor from Server / Data Center to Cloud

If you and your team are moving from Jira Server/DC to Jira Cloud, there are several points you should be aware of. There are some feature differences Config...


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