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List of keyboard shortcuts

WBS Gantt-Chart screen shortcuts

WBS Gantt-Chart screen shortcuts




More details

Indent WBS hierarchy (Create parent-child relationship)

Alt + →

In Firefox Alt + Shift + →

Creating, copying, or deleting an issue

Outdent WBS hierarchy (Cancel parent-child relationship)

Alt + ←

In Firefox Alt + Shift + ←

Creating, copying, or deleting an issue

Rearrange the order of WBS rows (Move selected rows up)

Alt + ↑

In Firefox Alt + Shift + ↑

Information on the WBS display

Rearrange the order of WBS rows (Move selected rows down)

Alt + ↓

In Firefox Alt + Shift + ↓

Information on the WBS display

Save changes

Alt + s

In Firefox Alt + Shift + s

Editing the WBS display

Jump to the Gantt bar on the selected row


Information on the Gantt chart display

Display/hide Issue detail view


Editing in issue detail view

Other shortcuts




More details

Show recently displayed Gantt chart

g + w

Additional Help

If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Atlassian community!

Add the tag "addon-jp.ricksoft.plugins.wbsgantt-for-jira" when you ask a question.

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