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What are the differences between main view with project view?

Main view vs. Project view

The main view allows users to use Excel-like Issue Editor without saving their JQL from the advanced issue search. While project view offers smoother project navigation.

Project View

Main View


  • Smooth project navigation.

  • Ability to change to other spreadsheets from the top spreadsheet dropdown menu.


  • Users only can use default system JQL filter and spreadsheets created by the project admin.

  • Only project admin can create a new spreadsheet.


  • Ability to create a spreadsheet without creating a new JQL filter.

  • Any users can create a new spreadsheet.


  • Cannot change to other spreadsheets from the top spreadsheet dropdown menu.

  • No project bar navigation.

Pro tips: If you want to quickly update your issues using a spreadsheet without creating a new saved filter, you can open a spreadsheet from Issue Navigator. The app will show the title as ‘Untitled’ if you did not save the JQL.

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