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Gantt holiday calendar settings

What is the holiday calendar?

In WBS Gantt-Chart:

  • Regular (default) holidays are shown in gray.

  • Project holidays are shown in green.

Holidays are taken into consideration when project start and finish dates are set. All holidays are managed in WBS Gantt-Chart's holiday calendar.

Holiday calendar example

This is an example of the holiday calendar, showing two scenarios, A and B, as follows:


Scenario A

Yes / No

Regular holidays




Scenario B

Yes / No

Regular holidays

Saturday, Sunday



Note:  is Monday.

Issue values


Start date


Finish date



2 days


Drag-and-drop the Gantt bar so the issue starts on 


Scenario A

This scenario does not have holidays, so the issue values are as follows:


Start date


Finish date



2 days

Scenario B

In this scenario,  ,  , and  will not be counted since they are defined as holidays.


Start date


Finish date



2 days

Confirm holiday calendar settings

Click Calendars on the left-hand side of the Gantt configuration screen.

Holiday calendar items

Regular holidays

Check the box for the day of the week to be a fixed holiday.


This is a list of the dates you have registered as holidays. 

Update holiday calendar

  1. Click Edit on the upper right-hand side of the holiday calendar configuration screen.

  2. Check the box for Regular holidays.

  3. Enter specific holidays using YYYY-MM-DD format. Enter one date per line.

  4. Click Update.

Additional Help

If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Atlassian community!

Add the tag "addon-jp.ricksoft.plugins.wbsgantt-for-jira" when you ask a question.

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