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Configuring the holiday calendar

With WBS Gantt-Chart, holidays and non-working days are taken into account when creating/modifying plans. Follow these steps to configure non-working days.

  1. ⇒ Choose Add-ons.

  2. Select Calendars.

  3. Select (Default) project Details.

  4. Click Edit Calendar.

  5. Edit holiday calendar settings:

    1. If there are no regular holidays, check Irregular holidays;

    2. If there are regular holidays, select 1st regular holiday, or 2nd regular holiday, according to the number of non-working days;

    3. For individual holidays, enter each day under Holiday in the format YYYY-MM-DD;

    4. Click Update.

You’ve now completed the basic configuration. Next, let’s try managing a project.

More information

If you would like to know about settings not mentioned in this tutorial, please refer to the Administrator Guide for more information.

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