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Analytics settings

Access to analytics settings

Select Analytics from the setting screen for system administrators.

How to access the settings screen for system administrators

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Global settings - guide for system administrators

Various different settings, which we call global settings, can be viewed on the WBS Gantt-Chart administration screen. To access the administration screen follow these steps:

  1. Select Add-ons from the Jira ADMINISTRATION menu.

  2. Select the settings you would like to view from the WBS Gantt-Chart section on the side menu.

To view settings, one of the following permissions is needed:

  • Jira System Administrators

  • Jira Administrator

About analytics settings

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira aggregates statistical data on product usage and sends this data to Ricksoft's servers for the purpose of improving our products.

The data collected by Ricksoft is as follows. It does not include any business or personally identifiable information.

  • Server identifier (random string uniquely generated by WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira)

  • Date of transmission

  • Jira version

  • Number of active Jira users

  • Usage status of certain user settings (statistical data)

The most recently transmitted data can be checked on the analytics screen. Data is collected once a week.

To stop sending statistical data

To stop sending statistics, simply turn the Send statistical data button to "Off."

Additional Help

If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Atlassian community!

Add the tag "addon-jp.ricksoft.plugins.wbsgantt-for-jira" when you ask a question.

Ask the community

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