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Global Permission Setting

There are three types of permission that Jira admin can control:

  • Project

  • View Spreadsheet

  • Edit Spreadsheet




Choose which project can view the Excel-like Issue Editor icon on the project side panel.

View Spreadsheet

Choose who can view the spreadsheet. Disabling this will hide the app icon on the project side panel and advanced issue search.

Edit Spreadsheet

Choose who can edit the spreadsheet.

Pro tips 💡

You need both View and Edit Spreadsheet permission to update the data on the spreadsheet

Group permission can be controlled at the global level. If users are in the group that does not has access to the app, all the menu below won’t be visible to these users.

  • Apps on the top navigation bar

  • Spreadsheets on the project sidebar

  • Edit on the issue navigator.

Project Permission Limitation

Project permission can only be restricted at the project level. The spreadsheet option won’t be visible on the project bar. However, users can still search for this Jira project using JQL in advanced issue search or in our JQL Editor. This is a technical limitation that we can’t avoid.

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