WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.17.0 release notes
The Ricksoft team is proud to announce the release of Version 9.17.0 of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.
Edit Condition for Warning Alerts
🎉 New feature
Edit Condition for Warning Alerts
You can now flexibly configure the display conditions for alert icons shown in the alert column on the WBS.

🦾 Improvements
Highlight rows to make critical path tasks easier to identify
When displaying the critical path, the rows corresponding to the critical path are now highlighted.
This makes it easier to identify tasks on the critical path compared to before.

Display priority icons in the cells of the Priority column
We have improved the visibility of priorities by displaying priority icons on the cells.

🐛 Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented scheduled jobs from working properly
We fixed a bug that caused an error when executing scheduled jobs in Jira 10.x environments.