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WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.15.0 release notes


The Ricksoft team is proud to announce the release of Version 9.15.0 of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

Focus issue row from resource tooltip.

🎉 New feature

Focus issue row from resource tooltip

Clicking on the issue name in the tooltip displayed in the resource view now focuses on the issue row.

It is now easier to quickly and easily find issues that are causing workers to become overwhelmed.

🦾 Improvements

Flexible selection of versions to be displayed in the WBS

We have changed the method of selecting which version to display in the WBS from a radio button selection to a checkbox selection.

With this update, you can now select the version to be displayed in the WBS more flexibly than before.
For example, only released versions can be displayed in the WBS.

If you upgrade from 9.14.x or lower, your settings will be migrated as follows

Old Setting

New Setting

All versions

(tick) Unreleased

(tick) Released

(tick) Archived

Versions not archived

(tick) Unreleased

(tick) Released

(error) Arhived

Unreleased versions

(tick) Unreleased

(error) Released

(error) Archived

No versions

(error) Unreleased

(error) Released

(error) Archived

The higher-level setting "Version management on WBS" is disabled.

Remove the confusing factor of version setting

Until 9.14.x, users could not create versions if the setting to hide versions without issues was enabled.

This limitation was confusing to users and has been removed in this update.

Even if the option to hide versions that do not have issues is enabled, the project manager can still create versions on the WBS.

Remove the percent done displayed in the baseline tips

The percent done display has been removed from the tooltip that appears when hovering the mouse over the baseline Gantt bar.

🐛 Bug fixes

Gantt chart area overshadows the WBS area

Fixed a problem in which the WBS/Gantt Chart screen could be corrupted when displayed in some environments.

Duration values may be displayed ignoring holidays

Fixed a problem in which the number of days including holidays was displayed in the period value in some environments.

Deleting an issue on the WBS will not log the key for that issue

The name of the user who deleted the issue and the key to the deleted issue are now output to the log.

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