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How is the percent done (progress rate) of parent issues calculated?


How is the percent done (progress rate) of parent issues calculated? A parent issue is defined as an issue that has one or more issues on its lower node, which is indented one level, on WBS.


The percent done calculation method of parent issue differs depending on the user preferences:

1. User preferences > Auto calculate "Percent done" is ON

The method of calculating the percent done on the parent issue and the result differ depending on the display timing as follows.

Initial display

When any issues are updated*2

Percent done calculation result of parent issue

  • Use specific field is selected in Gantt configuration*1: Display the field value of the parent issue itself specified in the configuration.

  • Calculate with time tracking automatically or Calculate with specific fields automatically is selected in Gantt configuration*1:  Calculate with time tracking or specific fields value of the parent issue itself.

On this condition, WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira does NOT use the child issue information such as percent done for calculation.

The average value of the percent done of child issues is displayed. The period is taken into account in calculating the average value.

Regarding the percent done of parent issues, it is under consideration to make the consistent calculation method regardless of display timing. Please see Enhance parent issues' percent done calculation for the details.

2. User preferences > Auto calculate "Percent done" is OFF

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira does NOT use child issue information such as percent done for calculation of progress rate of parent issue.

Initial display

When any issues are updated*2

Percent done calculation result of parent issue

  • Use specific field is selected in Gantt configuration*1: Display the field value of the parent issue itself specified in the configuration.

  • Calculate with time tracking automatically or Calculate with specific fields automatically is selected in Gantt configuration*1:  Calculate with time tracking or specific fields value of the parent issue itself.

Same as the initial display

Related notes: the percent done of Project and Version

Note that the Project and Version are calculated as follows regardless of the user preferences and Gantt configuration.

Initial display

When any issues are updated*2


Number of resolved issues in Project / Number of all issues in Project

Same as the initial display


Number of resolved issues in Version / Number of all issues in Version

Same as the initial display

*1 Gantt configuration: Gantt Configuration> Issue view> Issue view configuration> Percent done

*2 When the items influencing percent done such as Start date/Finish date, Duration, etc. are updated on any issues in the Gantt, which are not limited to the parent and child issues.

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