Release notes: WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud 1.2.4-AC
Release Date
in US
Use Jira fields as default instead of the app's own data
↗️ Improvements
Option to disable automatic calculation of parent's percent done based on children
Display confirmation dialog when opening the configuration if there is unsaved data
Add “Open Gantt” button in configuration to allow open the gantt directly from configuration page.
🐛 Bug fixes
Gantt data was not migrated properly
Cloud migration is not functioning due to an error on the Cloud side
Import MS project got error in Premium with custom issue hierarchy
Convert app own fields to Jira fields got error
"Version Manual Mode" feature not working
The color of the baseline bar was not displayed properly
Gantt auto correct schedule to the past without any understandable reasons
Change date, related tickets are not re-scheduled when refresh Gantt