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Release notes : WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud 1.1.36-AC

Release Date


Improvement and bug fixes

๐Ÿ— Improvements

  • Add explanation for the "Versions related to issues only" option in the setting, and show the reason why cannot created version on the Gantt

  • Improve the UI of the gantt creation screen to make it more user-friendly

  • Show tooltip if the Gantt name is too long in the project settings page

๐Ÿ› Bug fixes

  • "Use Share Calendar" in the Gantt scheme does not work properly for Irregular holidays

  • If using "Use Shared Calendar" in the Gantt settings, the Gantt chart section is displayed beginning on Monday, even if the "Week Numbers" setting is US

  • "Week number" of ISO format in export excel is not calculated correctly

  • "Week number" of US format is not calculated correctly in some cases

  • Some types of fields are not exported correctly

  • Creating issues from templates that contain Epic does not create Epic links

  • If there are too many projects selected in new Gantt dialog, the create button is hidden and can not click

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